Now that the majority of my Christmas decorating is complete, I have time to start wrapping some of my gifts. Each year, I think I am going to wrap the same day that I buy a gift. This NEVER HAPPENS… ever! Instead, what I do is hide it in the closet and actually forget what I have bought and where I have hidden it. Then I have a minor panic attack when I can’t find something. I have always kept a journal with all the gifts I have bought with the receipts because I usually Christmas shop all year round. I like picking up things when we travel if I see something unique.
I actually like to wrap gifts, especially when I am not feeling stressed for time. I like coming up with ideas and different ways to make my wrapped packages special.
This year I am using items that I have found at consignment shops, The Dollar General Store, PotteryBarn, and T.J. Maxx.
I was at a consignment/antique shop a few years ago when I spotted these vintage pins and brooches. They were in a baskets dumped in a ziploc baggie. The basket had a mix of things like jewelry, buttons, and other odds and ends. I found this bag full of Christmas pins and I thought they were so cute. My mom used to buy me Christmas pins when I was little to wear on my coat. Maybe that’s why I like them so much. Instead of wearing them though, I decided to incorporate them into my gift wrapping.
Last year once the Holiday was over, I was shopping in PotteryBarn and spotted these glittery initials on clearance. I thought they would look nice on a package rather than using a gift tag. This year, I found some glittery letters at Jo-Anne Fabric as well.
The Dollar Store and the Dollar General Store both have a lot of things to use for making your gift wrapping unique and special. I found this reindeer at The Dollar General Store. It came in packs of two.
They have both gold and red reindeer. I also like to pick up all my Holiday tissue paper, tape, boxes and gift card boxes at the Dollar Store.
The last idea I am sharing is this adorable gift bag from TJ Maxx.
This gift bag is awesome. It’s made of thick red canvas with a soft white faux fur trim and white lettering. It is thick and sturdy not to mention so darn cute! I am filling this up then shipping it out soon!
I hope you have enjoyed my Gift Wrapping Ideas for Christmas! Have a good week!
Until Next Time,
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