It has been over two weeks since I last shared a Thrift Shop Thursday. Two weeks ago we were celebrating the Gman’s promotion. It’s on to Middle School for him. He got up in front of over 500 people and read his essay during the ceremony. Needless to say, I cried!
Then last week we went to Florida to see the rest of the family. It was the best little getaway!
As you can tell, I am enjoying this long awaited summer break.
Now, on to Thrift Shop Thursday #12.
The first piece I am sharing is part of an old hutch that we repurposed into a shelf.
We picked this shelf up in Pennsylvania several years ago. We were told that it was originally attached to a hutch. Once we brought it home, we removed the wood that would have been used to attach it to the base of the hutch. Other than that it was an easy revamp. We gave it a quick sanding and some stain. This piece has followed us to three different homes. One of the buyers wanted to buy it from us. My husband wisely said, “No, my wife would kill me.” This piece was only $10 and we have had it for over 24 years. It was the first piece my husband and I bought junkin’ together when we were dating. It is now in my newly revamped office space.
The next junk shop find I am sharing is a sweet little birdhouse made from reclaimed barn wood.
This is another old one. I bought this from a local shop that is no longer in business. The older gentleman that ran the shop was the kindest man and he had the best handmade wood pieces. I would stop in his shop several days a week when I dropped my middle son off at preschool way back in the day. I will share the bookcases and end tables that I bought from him in a later post.
The last thrifted find I am sharing comes from a yard sale. My husband picked it up and it sat on our porch since last summer. I will share a before shot in next post.
This is actually a teak boat ladder. My ultimate gold is to hang it from the hooks on top and use it for a blanket rack. I am sure I can find some type of metal rod that the hooks can drape over and attach the rod to the wall with something similar to drapery hardware.
For now, it is just propped up against the wall waiting for me to figure it out!
That’s is for this week of Thrift Shop Thursday #12. I hope you are enjoying your summer!
Until Next Time…
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[…] The next piece I am sharing comes from the same shop where I bought my birdhouse. […]