Today I am going to wrap up my vintage inspired Christmas home tour with a glimpse into the kitchen and sunroom and also share my version of the DIY paper stars that are making their rounds on Instagram. So here we … [Read More...]

Decking the Halls with Vintage Charm
With everything going on in the world, and this Christmas looking different for everyone, I was excited to decorate for the season. I had to laugh when my husband asked me if I was still planning on getting out all the decorations this year because we wouldn’t be having any out of town guests. I […]

Easy Ways to add Simple Fall Touches
Today I thought I would share some easy ways to add simple Fall touches to your home. Last year I went through my Fall decor and donated a lot of the things that I thought I would … [Read More...]

Christmas Home Tour 2019
The trees are trimmed, the gifts are wrapped, the treats are made and all the Hallmark movies have been watched multiple times. Since I have spent most of my time lounging and … [Read More...]

Sharing Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins, please
...until Thanksgiving that is! I am a little late to the Autumn/Fall game but I thought I would share a few spaces with you that are still dressed in all their orange glory. … [Read More...]

Dressing Up my Pantry with a Vintage Door
Where has this summer gone? In less than a week, we are going to be seeing back to school ads and the bus stop schedule. I'm not ready! It seems like only last week I shared my … [Read More...]